Wednesday, January 2, 2008

the new year

Greetings to everyone in 2008. I am starting up this blog here so everyone who asks me how my painting is going can get a peek for themselves. I am still figuring out this thing, so please bear with me. Here is the studio, with a finished piece. I am wrapping up a show which will be opening this february. It was a bit close there for a while, and I thought I might not finish, but things seem to be coming to a conclusion just in time. Here is a closer look at a finished piece, a larger one, 5 by 8 feet. It's a bad photo, but you get the idea.

This one is entitled "Traveling from wind to light". I pirate my titles from whatever book I happen to be fond of that year. My titles this year are taken from Jen Currin's book of poems, "The sleep of four cities". I only have three more paintings to complete by next month, the gods willing, and that will make it an even twelve. Stay tuned for more updates.


bugheart said...

see that wasn't
so bad.
i love the new
you are going in...
so glad you
are close to
being done...
i don't know
how you do it!

bugheart said...

more more!

Eero said...

Hey there Joe,
Welcome to the blogosphere!
You've made an impressive amount of work in a short period of time.

I have a show coming up in May that I'm very worried about...
crunch time.


Eero said...

I have often wondered where you got your titles....