Sunday, February 10, 2008


So i know i said i would take pictures of the opening, but i forgot. And so did my wife. So you will have to rely on my powers of description. It was fun, and i did get a little tipsy on the cheap wine. Lots of nice comments, but only ONE sale, which is rather disappointing. I suppose i can't expect the show to sell out in one night. I know the size of most of these pieces is out of most people's range, but a few more sales would have been nice. Hopefully more will sell in the month it is up. I did get a write-up in the Seattle PI, which was nice except they compared me to Darren Waterston, who is a great painter. I know we are similar, but i would like to shake that comparison. And i met another great painter who showed up, and is dating a friend of my wife's. Maija Fiebig. Look her up. So it was fun. Now i will devote this month to gardening.

Here is a picture, just to put something up. It is my favorite piece in the show. I think i hit on something that i have been struggling toward for a while. I am happy with it. It's called "Rain Messages".


bugheart said...

no photos!!!!
take any?
you needed me
to be there.

Eero said...

Isn't it a massive relief to have it over and done with? Sorry only one sale...

Enjoy gardening.


DoublyHelical said...

congrats on even a limited success... you're pulling off what most people can only dream about- actually living your dream.

I'm jealous that you can garden already- I've got another 3-4 months of ice, snow and Arctic wind to get through.

I do love the new stuff, colors are excellent!
