Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Here it is, the final piece for the show, finished but a day before they are hung on the gallery walls. Most of you will not be able to see much difference between what it looked like yesterday and now. But i can tell the difference.

This piece is titled "propped up by ruins". I choose my titles only after the piece is done. It's bad luck for me to do otherwise. My titles are all cribbed from whatever author i happen to be fond of at t he moment. Last year i borrowed heavily from Cormac McCarthy's Blood Meridian, which if you have not read, you should. I could rave about it for pages, but suffice to say that i believe it is a modern classic, right up there with Moby Dick. This year's titles came from a book of poems called The sleep of four cities, by Jen Currin, a friend of mine. Her poems are beautiful.

So that's it for now. I hang the show tomorrow, and then i take a little time off to get my garden ready for spring. Maybe i will take a break with some watercolors...

I leave you with this image:

This is a photo i cut from an old national geographic. I have it up on my bulletin board in my studio. It was taken by a man who was photographing mount saint helen's erupting. He was too close and was killed by the blast. When they retrieved his body, they developed the film in the camera. This was one of the last pictures on the roll. I have been trying in vain for years to create something this beautiful.


bugheart said...

that last photo
it's amazing.
i didn't know
that story.

Eero said...

In "Propped Up..." the area at the bottom---white pos/neg space. Awesome. How detailed to these get? Do you get down to those teeny tiny brushes? Wish I could see this in person.

Best of luck at the opening.
