Friday, February 1, 2008

the last week

I now have one week to finish up these last couple of paintings. The show opens february 8, and todays is the first. I still have hopes of finishing up this one:

It is currently the most likely candidate for finishing. I have been asked how much time i spend in the studio a week. Of course, the answer is not enough. It is very difficult to squeeze the time in with a 16 month old baby boy and a bartending job i do occasionally have to show up for. The only way i ever get time in the studio is when my mom or sister take the little one for the afternoon, which they each do once a week. And we have hired a girl to come watch him two days a week. So that totals four days a week in the studio, two of those days full 8 hours, and two half days. Not nearly enough. So it's especially irritating when i have to waste a full five hours in the studio building this:

It's quite a crate, isn't it? It contains three unsold paintings from the last show that are off to Dallas for a group show. There is a gallery there that called me and wants to start showing my stuff. I don't know much about Dallas, but we will see...

All for now. Gotta go try to finish some paintings.


bugheart said...

good luck!
i'll put
the photos
this weekend.

wendy said...

good luck!
{gwen you are a talented bunch!}
its been a pleasure to see your process even if you don't get enough time in the studio.