Monday, June 23, 2008

more drawing

Here is the end result of that last drawing I was working on. I like this one. I think it is a successful piece.

There are several other failed drawings that i will not bother to post here. There is a new strange theme that is popping up, and we will see where it goes. I haven't done as much drawing from life as i wanted to, largely because the weather was so dismal the past week. It's much better now, so i do plan to get outside a bit. This is the only other drawing i think worthwhile, and i don't think of this one as a success. Some interesting things, but too illustrative.

I have enjoyed the drawings. I had forgotten about charcoal and what a fun medium it is. Here is one more that i also consider a failure, but has some good qualities. Again, too literal, too illustrative. I am always trying to shed my background as an illustrator.

I have always been a disaster with watercolor. I think it just goes against my nature. I like to fuss and work on things, change my mind, erase... Watercolor just does not allow that. So this piece i also consider a failure. I went back into it with some gouache, which only put the final nail in the coffin.

I think charcoal works better for me. I may do some more drawings, but I think it is time to start painting. I did some preliminary work the other day. Here is a sneak preview...

More to follow....


DoublyHelical said...

good to see you 'branching' out, as it were, joe... I'm in a Summer Writing Institute in July, hope to be working on a new novel among other things...

best to all your family,


bugheart said...

i hope you have
a show someday
your drawings...
i think it's
a window
into your process
and i think
it's nice to
sell some...
ahem... more
small pieces!

johnny said... are high if you think these are unsuccessfull....Yes, I get the critical inner-voice thang, but some of those works are breathtaking...espessially the 1st one...I have always envied the effortless quality of your drawing....And yes, I think a show for these is absolutely called for....